The Spirit of God, also known as the Holy Spirit, is a central concept in the Bible and is referred to throughout both the Old and New Testaments. Here are some of the significant roles and attributes of the Spirit of God in the Bible:

Creator: In the beginning of the Bible, the Spirit of God is described as hovering over the waters of the earth, and it is through the Spirit's work that God creates the world.

Guide and Comforter: In the New Testament, Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to guide and comfort his followers after he left the earth. The Spirit is said to give believers wisdom and discernment, and to comfort and strengthen them in times of trouble.

Source of Spiritual Gifts: The Spirit of God is also the source of spiritual gifts, such as speaking in tongues, prophesying, and healing, which are described in the New Testament.

Convictor of Sin: The Spirit of God is said to convict people of their sin and draw them to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.

Unifier of Believers: The Spirit of God is often depicted as the unifying force that brings together believers from different backgrounds and cultures.

Seal of Salvation: In the New Testament, the Spirit of God is described as the seal of salvation, indicating that those who have received the Spirit have been adopted into God's family and are assured of their eternal destiny.

Overall, the Spirit of God plays a significant role in the Bible, serving as the creative force behind the world, the guide and comforter of believers, the source of spiritual gifts, the convictor of sin, the unifier of believers, and the seal of salvation.



  1.     The world cannot receive the Holy Spirit because it does not see Him–ref Jn 14:17.
  2.     The World and most of the religious world does not believe in the Holy Spirit as the Scriptures have said.
  3.     The world does not know the Holy Spirit–ref. Jn 14:17.


  1.     There is one Spirit–ref Eph 2:18; 4:3,4.
  2.     The Spirit is eternal–ref Heb 9:14.
  3.     The Holy Spirit is referred to as the Seven Spirits (or Sevenfold Spirit) ref Rev 1:4; Rev 3:1.
  4.     The Seven Spirits (or Sevenfold) Spirit are before the throne of God–ref Rev 1:4; Rev 4:5.
  5.     God the Father has the Holy Spirit of Seven Spirits (or Sevenfold) Spirit of God–ref Rev 3:1.
  6.     The Holy Spirit or Seven Spirits (or Sevenfold Spirit) of God is referred to as the Seven Lamps of fire burning–ref Rev 4:5.
  7.     The Holy Spirit or Seven Spirits (or Sevenfold) Spirit of God are shown before the throne–ref Rev 4:5.
  8.     Jesus is shown as having the Holy Spirit or Seven Spirits (or Sevenfold) Spirit of God–ref Rev 5:6.
  9.     The Seven Horns Jesus has is the Holy Spirit or the Seven Spirits (of Sevenfold) Spirit of God–ref Rev 5:6.
  10.     The Seven Eyes Jesus has is the Holy Spirit or the Seven Spirits (of Sevenfold) Spirit of God–ref Rev 5:6.



  1.     God is the Father of spirits–ref Heb 12:9.
  2.     A Voice from Heaven–ref Rev 14:13.
  3.     Christ and the Spirit are combined together–ref Ro 8:10.
  4.     Holy Spirit of promise–ref Eph 1:13
  5.     My Spirit–ref Isa 42:1.
  6.     Spirit of Adoption–ref Ro 8:15
  7.     Spirit of Christ–ref Ro 8:9; 1 Pe 1:11.
  8.     Spirit of Counsel–ref Isa 11:2.
  9.     Spirit of Glory–ref 1 Pe 4:14.
  10.     Spirit of God–ref Gen 1:2.
  11.     Spirit of Grace and of Supplications–ref Zech 12:10
  12.     Spirit of Grace–ref Heb 10:29.
  13.     Spirit of Him–ref Ro 8:11.
  14.     Spirit of His mouth–ref 2 Thes 2:8
  15.     Spirit of His Son–ref Gal 4:6.
  16.     Spirit of Holiness–ref Ro 1:4
  17.     Spirit of Jesus Christ–ref Phili 1:19.
  18.     Spirit of Knowledge–ref Isa 11:2.
  19.     Spirit of Life–ref Ro 8:2,10; Rev 11:11.
  20.     Spirit of Love–ref 2 Tim 1:7.
  21.     Spirit of Might–ref Isa 11:2.
  22.     Spirit of our God–ref 1 Cor 6:11.
  23.     Spirit of Power–ref 2 Tim 1:7.
  24.     Spirit of promise–ref Eph 1:13–14.
  25.     Spirit of the fear of the Lord–ref Isa 11:2.
  26.     Spirit of the living God–ref 2 Cor 1:22.
  27.     Spirit of the Lord God–ref Isa 61:1.
  28.     Spirit of the Lord–ref 2 Cor 3:17, 18; Judges 3:10; Isa 11:2
  29.     Spirit of Truth–ref; Jn 14:17; 15:26; 1 Jn 4:6; 1 Jn 5:6.
  30.     Spirit of Understanding–ref Isa 11:2.
  31.     Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation–ref Eph 1:17
  32.     Spirit of Wisdom–ref Isa 11:2.
  33.     Spirit of your Father–ref Mt 10:20,21.
  34.     The Comforter–ref Jn 15:26; 16:7
  35.     The Eternal Spirit–ref Heb 9:14.
  36.     The Holy Ghost–ref Jn 7:39.
  37.     The Lord is that Spirit–ref 2 Cor 3:17, 18.
  38.     The Spirit is called "HE" and "HIS"–ref Ro 8:11.
  39.     The Spirit is the Seven Spirits (or Sevenfold Spirit) ref Rev 1:4.
  40.     The Spirit–ref Jude 1:19


  1.     The Comforter proceeds from the Father–ref Jn 15:26.
  2.     The Comforter is sent by Jesus from the Father–ref Jn 15:26.
  3.     God sends forth the Spirit of His Son–ref Gal 4:6.
  4.     God gives the Holy Spirit–ref Lk 11:13
  5.     He gives the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him–ref Lk 11:13.


  1.     The Spirit of God descended like a dove–ref Mt 3:16, 17.
  2.     The Spirit of God (descended) or lighted upon Jesus–ref Mt 3:16, 17; Lk 3:22
  3.     Jesus received the promise of the Holy Ghost (or Spirit)–ref Acts 2:33.
  4.     The Holy Spirit was not given to Jesus by measure or in part–ref Jn 3:34.
  5.     Jesus was anointed with the Holy Ghost (or Spirit)–ref Acts 10:38.
  6.     Jesus was full of the Holy Ghost (or Spirit)–ref Lk 4:1
  7.     John the Baptist seen the Spirit descending upon Jesus–ref Jn 1:33.
  8.     Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness–ref Lk 4:1.
  9.     John told that Jesus would baptize with the Holy Ghost (or Spirit)–ref Lk 3:16.
  10.     Jesus shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost (or Spirit)–ref Mt 3:11; Mk 1:8
  11.     Jesus offered Himself through the Spirit–ref Heb 9:14.
  12.     Jesus, when He died, yielded up the ghost (or spirit)–ref Mt 27:50.
  13.     Jesus gave up the ghost (or spirit)–ref Mk 15:37; 39; Lk 23:46; Jn 19:30
  14.     The Spirit raised Jesus from the dead–ref Ro 8:11.
  15.     Christ was quickened by the Spirit–ref 1 Pe 3:18.
  16.     Jesus breathed on them and said: Receive ye the Holy Ghost (or Spirit)–ref Jn 20:22.
  17.     The Father sends the Holy Ghost (or Spirit) in the name of Jesus–ref Jn 14:16.
  18.     The Comforter…I will send unto you from the Father–Jn 15:26.
  19.     If I depart, I will send him (the Comforter) unto you–Jn 16:7.
  20.     The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) is sent down from heaven–ref 1 Pe 1:12.
  21.     Jesus baptized with the Holy Ghost (or Spirit)–ref Jn 1:33.
  22.     Jesus gave commandments to His apostles through the Holy Ghost (or Spirit) after he was taken up–ref Acts 1:2.
  23.     Jesus speaks to His children through the Holy Ghost (or Spirit)–ref Acts 1:2.
  24.     The Holy Spirit speaks what He hears–ref Jn 16:13.
  25.     The Spirit of God shall not speak of Himself–ref Jn 16:13.
  26.     The Comforter shall testify of Jesus–ref Jn 15:26.
  27.     The Gospel comes to God’s children in the Holy Ghost (or Spirit)–ref 1 Thes 1:5.
  28.     God’s children receive the Word with joy of (or from) the Holy Ghost–ref 1 Thes 1:14.


  •     The things of God no man knows but the Spirit of God–ref 1 Cor 2:11.


  1.     The Spirit speaks–ref 1 Tim 4:1
  2. The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) speaks–ref Heb 3:7.
  3.     The Spirit bears witness–ref 1 Jn 5:6.
  4.     The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) witnesses–ref Acts 20:23.
  5.            The Holy Spirit can speak to you–ref Acts 10:19.
  6.            The Spirit of God talks to the saints–ref Acts 8:29.
  7.            The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) speaks to people–ref Acts 13:2.
  8.            The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) spoke to David–ref Acts 1:16.
  9.            The Spirit of God can speak in a born again Christian–ref Mt 10:20.
  10.     The Spirit speaks to the churches–ref Rev 2:7,11,17,29; Rev 3:6,13,22.
  11.            The Comforter shall testify of Jesus–ref Jn 15:26.
  12.            The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) reveals things to His people–ref Lk 2:26.
  13.            The Holy Spirit speaks what He hears–ref Jn 16:13.
  14.            The Spirit did testify beforehand of events–ref 1 Pe 1:11.
  15.            The Spirit of God shall guide you into all truth–ref Jn 16:13.
  16.            The Spirit of God shall not speak of Himself–ref Jn 16:13.
  17.            The Spirit saith things–ref Rev 14:13; Rev 22:17
  18.            The spirit and the bride say, come–ref Rev 22:17.
  19.     The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) speaks through prophets–ref Acts 28:25.
  20.     The Holy Spirit can talk to people through the Saints–ref Acts 21:4.
  21.     The Spirit of the Lord can speak to and through people–ref 2 Chr 24:20; 2 Sam 23:2.


  1.     God’s children are baptized with the Holy Ghost (or Spirit) –ref Acts 1:5.
  2.     One Spirit baptizes us into one body–ref 1 Cor 12:13.
  3.     The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) bears record in heaven.–ref 1 Jn 5:7.
  4.     The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) shall bring God’s Word to your remembrance–ref Jn 14:26.
  5.     The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) shall bring things to your remembrance–ref Jn 14:26.
  6.     The Spirit of the Lord can come upon people–ref Judges 3:10; 6:34; 11:29; 14:6,9; 1 Sam 11:6; 1 Sam 16:13; 2 Chr 15:1; 2 Chr 24:20; Isa 61:1.
  7.     The Spirit of God can be in people–ref Gen 41:38.
  8.     We are changed by the Spirit of the Lord–ref 2 Cor 3:17, 18.
  9.     Mary was found with child of the Holy Ghost or Spirit–ref Mt 1:18.
  10.     Mary.that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost–ref Mt 1:20.
  11.     The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) comforts people–ref Acts 9:31.
  12.     The Spirit can empower them to do incredible things–ref Judges 14:6, 19.
  13.     The Spirit can empower a person to do away the deeds of the body–ref Ro 8:13.
  14.     The Spirit of Life entered them–ref Rev 11:11.
  15.     The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) filled people–ref Acts 2:4.
  16.     The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) sometimes forbids people to preach the Word in certain places–ref Acts 16:6.
  17.     The same Spirit gives a variety of gifts–ref 1 Cor 12:4, 7–11.
  18.     Gifts are of the Holy Ghost (or Spirit)–ref Heb 2:4.
  19.     The Spirit does it with groanings which cannot be uttered–ref Ro 8:26.
  20.     The Spirit helps our infirmities–ref Ro 8:26.
  21.     The Spirit makes intercession for us–ref Ro 8:26.
  22.     The Holy Spirit can lead people to go to certain places–ref Lk 4:1.
  23.     Joy comes from the Holy Ghost (or Spirit)–ref 1 Thes 1:6.
  24.     God has given His people the Spirit of love, and of a sound mind–ref 2 Tim 1:7.
  25.     God’s love is shed in our hearts by the Holy Ghost (or Spirit)–ref Ro 5:5.
  26.     The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) has made you overseers–ref Acts 20:28.
  27.     The Spirit of the Lord can motivate people to go here or there–ref 1 Kings 18:12.
  28.     The Spirit of the Lord can move in places to achieve God's will–ref Judges 13:25.
  29.     The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) moves Holy men of God to speak–ref 2 Pe 1:21.
  30.     After the Holy Ghost (or Spirit) is come upon a person, they receive power–ref Acts 1:8.
  31.     Note: demonstration of the Spirit and of power–ref 1 Cor 2:4.
  32.     God has given His people the Spirit of power–ref 2 Tim 1:7.
  33.     A person’s soul is purified through the Spirit unto unfeigned love–ref 1 Pe 1:22.
  34.     The Spirit shall quicken your mortal body–ref Ro 8:11.
  35.     The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) renews God’s children–ref Titus 3:5.
  36.     The Comforter, when he is come, will reprove the world of sin–because they believe not on me; of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more; and of judgment: because the prince of this world is judged–ref Jn 16:8–11.
  37.     The mystery of Christ is revealed by the Spirit–ref Eph 3:4, 5.
  38.     The Holy Spirit can restrain a person from going certain places–ref Acts 16:7.
  39.     God reveals to people things by His Spirit–ref 1 Cor 2:10.
  40.     God reveals to those that love Him the things which He has prepared for them by His Spirit–ref 1 Cor 2:10.
  41.     Sanctification of the Spirit"–ref 1 Pe 1:2.
  42.     Sanctification is by the Holy Ghost (or Spirit)–ref Ro 15:16.
  43.     Sanctification is of the Spirit and belief of the truth–ref 2 Thes 2:13.
  44.     The Spirit searches all things–ref 1 Cor 2:10.
  45.     The Spirit searches the deep things of God–ref 1 Cor 2:10.
  46.     It seemed good to the Holy Ghost (or Spirit) and to us–Acts 15:28.
  47.     The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) sends people–ref Acts 13:4.
  48.     The Holy Spirit can show you things that are about to happen–ref Acts 10:19.
  49.     The Holy Spirit will show you things to come–ref Jn 16:13.
  50.     The Holy Spirit shows prophecies–ref 1 Tim 4:1.
  51.     The Holy Spirit shows the future–Acts 21:11.
  52.     The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) signifies things–Ref Heb 9:8.
  53.     Mighty signs are done through the power of the Spirit–ref Ro 15:19.
  54.     The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) shall teach you all things–ref Jn 14:26.
  55.     The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) teaches people–ref Lk 12:12.
  56.     The Spirit gives His children utterance to speak with other tongues–ref Acts 2:4.
  57.     The Spirit of the Lord can transport people from one place to another–ref 1 Kings 18:12; Acts 8:39.
  58.     The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) is a witness to God's Children–ref Heb 10:15.
  59.     The Spirit of God bears witness with our spirit–ref Ro 8:16.
  60.     Preached the Word unto you with the Holy Ghost which is sent down from heaven–ref 1 Pe 1:12.
  61.     Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty–ref 2 Cor 3:17, 18.


  1.     Through Jesus we have access by one Spirit unto the Father–ref Eph 2:18.
  1.     One can be builded through the Spirit–ref Eph 2:22.
  2.     God's children cast out devils by the Spirit of God–ref Mt 12:28.
  3.     One can drink into one Spirit–ref 1 Cor 12:13.
  4.     There is a fellowship of the Spirit–ref Phili 2:1.
  5.     God’s children can have fellowship of the Holy Ghost (or Spirit)–ref 2 Cor 13:14.
  6.     If the fellowship of the Spirit is there, there should also be likemindedness, love, being of one accord, of one mind–ref Phili 2:1.
  7.     There is fruit of the Spirit–ref Eph 5:9.
  8.     The fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness–ref Eph 5:9.
  9.     The fruit of the Spirit is in all righteousness–ref Eph 5:9.
  10.     The fruit of the Spirit is in all truth–ref Eph 5:9.
  11.     One can be an habitation of God through the Spirit–ref Eph 2:22.
  12.     Saints have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear–ref Ro 8:15.
  13.     God’s children can abound in hope through the power of the Holy Ghost (or Spirit)–ref Ro 15:13.
  14.     You are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of God–ref 1 Cor 6:11.
  15.     One can love in the Spirit–ref Col 1:8.
  16.     One can minister to another the Spirit–ref Gal 3:5.
  17.     Approving ourselves as the ministers of God by the Holy Ghost (or Spirit)–ref 2 Cor 6:4,6.
  18.     One can pray in the Spirit–ref Eph 6:18.
  19.     Pray in the Holy Ghost (or Spirit)–ref Jude 1:20.
  20.     You are sanctified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of God–ref 1 Cor 6:11.
  21.     No man can say that Jesus is Lord but by the Holy Ghost (or Spirit)–ref 1 Cor 12:3.

