What does Bible say about Holy spirit and what can he do


  •     There is one Spirit-ref Eph 2:18; 4:3,4.
  •     The Spirit is eternal-ref Heb 9:14.
  •     The Holy Spirit is referred to as the Seven Spirits (or Sevenfold Spirit) ref Rev 1:4; Rev 3:1.
  •     The Seven Spirits (or Sevenfold) Spirit are before the throne of God-ref Rev 1:4; Rev 4:5.
  •     God the Father has the Holy Spirit of Seven Spirits (or Sevenfold) Spirit of God-ref Rev3:1.
  •     The Holy Spirit or Seven Spirits (or Sevenfold Spirit) of God is referred to as the Seven Lamps of fire burning-ref Rev 4:5.
  •     The Holy Spirit or Seven Spirits (or Sevenfold) Spirit of God are shown before the throne-ref Rev 4:5.
  •     Jesus is shown as having the Holy Spirit or Seven Spirits (or Sevenfold) Spirit of God-ref Rev 5:6.
  •     The Seven Horns Jesus has is the Holy Spirit or the Seven Spirits (of Sevenfold) Spirit of God-ref Rev 5:6.
  •     The Seven Eyes Jesus has is the Holy Spirit or the Seven Spirits (of Sevenfold) Spirit of God-ref Rev 5:6.

  1.     God is the Father of spirits-ref Heb 12:9.
  2.     A Voice from Heaven-ref Rev 14:13.
  3.     Christ and the Spirit are combined together-ref Ro 8:10.
  4.     Holy Spirit of promise-ref Eph 1:13
  5.     My Spirit-ref Isa 42:1.
  6.     Spirit of Adoption-ref Ro 8:15
  7.     Spirit of Christ-ref Ro 8:9; 1 Pe 1:11.
  8.     Spirit of Counsel-ref Isa 11:2.
  9.     Spirit of Glory-ref 1 Pe 4:14.
  10.     Spirit of God-ref Gen 1:2.
  11.     Spirit of Grace and of Supplications-ref Zech 12:10
  12.     Spirit of Grace-ref Heb 10:29.
  13.     Spirit of Him-ref Ro 8:11.
  14.     Spirit of His mouth-ref 2 Thes 2:8
  15.     Spirit of His Son-ref Gal 4:6.
  16.     Spirit of Holiness-ref Ro 1:4
  17.     Spirit of Jesus Christ-ref Phili 1:19.
  18.     Spirit of Knowledge-ref Isa 11:2.
  19.     Spirit of Life-ref Ro 8:2,10; Rev 11:11.
  20.     Spirit of Love-ref 2 Tim 1:7.
  21.     Spirit of Might-ref Isa 11:2.
  22.     Spirit of our God-ref 1 Cor 6:11.
  23.     Spirit of Power-ref 2 Tim 1:7.
  24.     Spirit of promise-ref Eph 1:13-14.
  25.     Spirit of the fear of the Lord-ref Isa 11:2.
  26.     Spirit of the living God-ref 2 Cor 1:22.
  27.     Spirit of the Lord God-ref Isa 61:1.
  28.     Spirit of the Lord-ref 2 Cor 3:17, 18; Judges 3:10; Isa 11:2
  29.     Spirit of Truth-ref; Jn 14:17; 15:26; 1 Jn 4:6; 1 Jn 5:6.
  30.     Spirit of Understanding-ref Isa 11:2.
  31.     Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation-ref Eph 1:17
  32.     Spirit of Wisdom-ref Isa 11:2.
  33.     Spirit of your Father-ref Mt 10:20,21.
  34.     The Comforter-ref Jn 15:26; 16:7
  35.     The Eternal Spirit-ref Heb 9:14.
  36.     The Holy Ghost-ref Jn 7:39.
  37.     The Lord is that Spirit-ref 2 Cor 3:17, 18.
  38.     The Spirit is called "HE" and "HIS"-ref Ro 8:11.
  39.     The Spirit is the Seven Spirits (or Sevenfold Spirit) ref Rev 1:4.
  40.     The Spirit-ref Jude 1:19.

  1.     The Comforter proceeds from the Father-ref Jn 15:26.
  2.     The Comforter is sent by Jesus from the Father-ref Jn 15:26.
  3.     God sends forth the Spirit of His Son-ref Gal 4:6.
  4.     God gives the Holy Spirit-ref Lk 11:13
  5.     He gives the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him-ref Lk 11:13.

  1.     The Spirit of God descended like a dove-ref Mt 3:16, 17.
  2.     The Spirit of God (descended) or lighted upon Jesus-ref Mt 3:16, 17; Lk 3:22
  3.     Jesus received the promise of the Holy Ghost (or Spirit)-ref Acts 2:33.
  4.     The Holy Spirit was not given to Jesus by measure or in part-ref Jn 3:34.
  5.     Jesus was anointed with the Holy Ghost (or Spirit)-ref Acts 10:38.
  6.     Jesus was full of the Holy Ghost (or Spirit)-ref Lk 4:1
  7.     John the Baptist seen the Spirit descending upon Jesus-ref Jn 1:33.
  8.     Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness-ref Lk 4:1.
  9.     John told that Jesus would baptize with the Holy Ghost (or Spirit)-ref Lk 3:16.
  10.     Jesus shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost (or Spirit)-ref Mt 3:11; Mk 1:8
  11.     Jesus offered Himself through the Spirit-ref Heb 9:14.
  12.     Jesus, when He died, yielded up the ghost (or spirit)-ref Mt 27:50.
  13.     Jesus gave up the ghost (or spirit)-ref Mk 15:37; 39; Lk 23:46; Jn 19:30
  14.     The Spirit raised Jesus from the dead-ref Ro 8:11.
  15.     Christ was quickened by the Spirit-ref 1 Pe 3:18.
  16.     Jesus breathed on them and said: Receive ye the Holy Ghost (or Spirit)-ref Jn 20:22.
  17.     The Father sends the Holy Ghost (or Spirit) in the name of Jesus-ref Jn 14:16.
  18.     The Comforter.I will send unto you from the Father-Jn 15:26.
  19.     If I depart, I will send him (the Comforter) unto you-Jn 16:7.
  20.     The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) is sent down from heaven-ref 1 Pe 1:12.
  21.     Jesus baptized with the Holy Ghost (or Spirit)-ref Jn 1:33.
  22.     Jesus gave commandments to His apostles through the Holy Ghost (or Spirit) after he was taken up-ref Acts 1:2.
  23.     Jesus speaks to His children through the Holy Ghost (or Spirit)-ref Acts 1:2.
  24.     The Holy Spirit speaks what He hears-ref Jn 16:13.
  25.     The Spirit of God shall not speak of Himself-ref Jn 16:13.
  26.     The Comforter shall testify of Jesus-ref Jn 15:26.
  27.     The Gospel comes to God's children in the Holy Ghost (or Spirit)-ref 1 Thes 1:5.
  28.     God's children receive the Word with joy of (or from) the Holy Ghost-ref 1 Thes 1:14.

    The things of God no man knows but the Spirit of God-ref 1 Cor 2:11.

  1.     The Spirit speaks-ref 1 Tim 4:1.
  2.     The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) speaks-ref Heb 3:7.
  3.     The Spirit bears witness-ref 1 Jn 5:6.
  4.     The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) witnesses-ref Acts 20:23.
  5.     The Holy Spirit can speak to you-ref Acts 10:19.
  6.     The Spirit of God talks to the saints-ref Acts 8:29.
  7.     The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) speaks to people-ref Acts 13:2.
  8.     The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) spoke to David-ref Acts 1:16.
  9.     The Spirit of God can speak in a born again Christian-ref Mt 10:20.
  10.   The Spirit speaks to the churches-ref Rev 2:7,11,17,29; Rev 3:6,13,22.
  11.     The Comforter shall testify of Jesus-ref Jn 15:26.
  12.     The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) reveals things to His people-ref Lk 2:26.
  13.     The Holy Spirit speaks what He hears-ref Jn 16:13.
  14.     The Spirit did testify beforehand of events-ref 1 Pe 1:11.
  15.     The Spirit of God shall guide you into all truth-ref Jn 16:13.
  16.     The Spirit of God shall not speak of Himself-ref Jn 16:13.
  17.     The Spirit saith things-ref Rev 14:13; Rev 22:17
  18.     The spirit and the bride say, come-ref Rev 22:17.
  19.     The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) speaks through prophets-ref Acts 28:25.
  20.     The Holy Spirit can talk to people through the Saints-ref Acts 21:4.
  21.     The Spirit of the Lord can speak to and through people-ref 2 Chr 24:20; 2 Sam 23:2.

  1.     God's children are baptized with the Holy Ghost (or Spirit) -ref Acts 1:5.
  2.     One Spirit baptizes us into one body-ref 1 Cor 12:13.
  3.     The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) bears record in heaven.-ref 1 Jn 5:7.
  4.     The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) shall bring God's Word to your remembrance-ref Jn 14:26.
  5.     The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) shall bring things to your remembrance-ref Jn 14:26.
  6.     The Spirit of the Lord can come upon people-ref Judges 3:10; 6:34; 11:29; 14:6,9; 1 Sam 11:6; 1 Sam 16:13; 2 Chr 15:1; 2 Chr 24:20; Isa 61:1.
  7.     The Spirit of God can be in people-ref Gen 41:38.
  8.     We are changed by the Spirit of the Lord-ref 2 Cor 3:17, 18.
  9.     Mary was found with child of the Holy Ghost or Spirit-ref Mt 1:18.
  10.     Mary.that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost-ref Mt 1:20.
  11.     The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) comforts people-ref Acts 9:31.
  12.     The Spirit can empower them to do incredible things-ref Judges 14:6, 19.
  13.     The Spirit can empower a person to do away the deeds of the body-ref Ro 8:13.
  14.     The Spirit of Life entered them-ref Rev 11:11.
  15.     The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) filled people-ref Acts 2:4.
  16.     The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) sometimes forbids people to preach the Word in certain places-ref Acts 16:6.
  17.     The same Spirit gives a variety of gifts-ref 1 Cor 12:4, 7-11.
  18.     Gifts are of the Holy Ghost (or Spirit)-ref Heb 2:4.
  19.     The Spirit does it with groanings which cannot be uttered-ref Ro 8:26.
  20.     The Spirit helps our infirmities-ref Ro 8:26.
  21.     The Spirit makes intercession for us-ref Ro 8:26.
  22.     The Holy Spirit can lead people to go to certain places-ref Lk 4:1.
  23.     Joy comes from the Holy Ghost (or Spirit)-ref 1 Thes 1:6.
  24.     God has given His people the Spirit of love, and of a sound mind-ref 2 Tim 1:7.
  25.     God's love is shed in our hearts by the Holy Ghost (or Spirit)-ref Ro 5:5.
  26.     The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) has made you overseers-ref Acts 20:28.
  27.     The Spirit of the Lord can motivate people to go here or there-ref 1 Kings 18:12.
  28.     The Spirit of the Lord can move in places to achieve God's will-ref Judges 13:25.
  29.     The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) moves Holy men of God to speak-ref 2 Pe 1:21.
  30.     After the Holy Ghost (or Spirit) is come upon a person, they receive power-ref Acts 1:8.
  31.     Note: demonstration of the Spirit and of power-ref 1 Cor 2:4.
  32.     God has given His people the Spirit of power-ref 2 Tim 1:7.
  33.     A person's soul is purified through the Spirit unto unfeigned love-ref 1 Pe 1:22.
  34.     The Spirit shall quicken your mortal body-ref Ro 8:11.
  35.     The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) renews God's children-ref Titus 3:5.
  36.     The Comforter, when he is come, will reprove the world of sin-because they believe not on me; of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more; and of judgment: because the prince of this world is judged-ref Jn 16:8-11.
  37.     The mystery of Christ is revealed by the Spirit-ref Eph 3:4, 5.
  38.     The Holy Spirit can restrain a person from going certain places-ref Acts 16:7.
  39.     God reveals to people things by His Spirit-ref 1 Cor 2:10.
  40.     God reveals to those that love Him the things which He has prepared for them by His Spirit-ref 1 Cor 2:10.
  41.     Sanctification of the Spirit"-ref 1 Pe 1:2.
  42.     Sanctification is by the Holy Ghost (or Spirit)-ref Ro 15:16.
  43.     Sanctification is of the Spirit and belief of the truth-ref 2 Thes 2:13.
  44.     The Spirit searches all things-ref 1 Cor 2:10.
  45.     The Spirit searches the deep things of God-ref 1 Cor 2:10.
  46.     It seemed good to the Holy Ghost (or Spirit) and to us-Acts 15:28.
  47.     The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) sends people-ref Acts 13:4.
  48.     The Holy Spirit can show you things that are about to happen-ref Acts 10:19.
  49.     The Holy Spirit will show you things to come-ref Jn 16:13.
  50.     The Holy Spirit shows prophecies-ref 1 Tim 4:1.
  51.     The Holy Spirit shows the future-Acts 21:11.
  52.     The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) signifies things-Ref Heb 9:8.
  53.     Mighty signs are done through the power of the Spirit-ref Ro 15:19.
  54.     The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) shall teach you all things-ref Jn 14:26.
  55.     The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) teaches people-ref Lk 12:12.
  56.     The Spirit gives His children utterance to speak with other tongues-ref Acts 2:4.
  57.     The Spirit of the Lord can transport people from one place to another-ref 1 Kings 18:12; Acts 8:39.
  58.     The Holy Ghost (or Spirit) is a witness to God's Children-ref Heb 10:15.
  59.     The Spirit of God bears witness with our spirit-ref Ro 8:16.
  60.     Preached the Word unto you with the Holy Ghost which is sent down from heaven-ref 1 Pe 1:12.
  61.     Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty-ref 2 Cor 3:17, 18.

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