Purpose of the Bible, Bible Theme and Bible Authority

Authority of the Bible

Authority resides in the inspired word of God (the Bible) interpreted by the Spirit of God working through spirit-taught human agents. Orthodox Protestantism differs from Catholicism in that it claims no authority other than Canonical Scripture as the voice of the Holy Spirit.

During the Middle Ages, through the episcopacy, the Church of Rome concentrated all authority on itself, assuming that the Magisterium held the key to the interpretation of Scripture and divine laws. This movement culminated in the Decree of Papal Infallibility of 1870, which establishes that "the Roman Pope, speaking ex-cathedra, possesses the infallibility with which the Divine Redeemer has endowed his Church by defining a doctrine of faith or morality."

The liberal wings of Protestantism and Neo-orthodox deny the ultimate authority to the Scriptures as infallible and infallible, replacing it with an internal authority such as feeling, conscience, experience, "Christ speaks through the Holy Spirit," etc.

Jesus Christ, the unifying theme of the Bible:

Although the Bible consists of 66 books (39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament), it is nevertheless one book. The unifying theme of Scripture is Christ. 

  • The Old Testament prepares Jesus Christ and predicts Jesus Christ both in different types and in prophecy.
  • The Gospels present him as the redeemer in divine-human manifestation.
  • The Acts of the Apostles describe how he was preached and how his gospel spread throughout the world. The letters explain his work of redemption.
  • Revelation reveals Jesus Christ as the culmination of all God's plans and purposes.
From the offspring of the woman (Gen 3:15), promised in Paradise lost, to the 'Alpha and Omega' (Revelation 22:13), recovered in Paradise, Jesus Christ, is the beginning and the end ',' the first and the last in the ways revealed by God with man.

The Purpose of the Bible:

 The Bible was given to bear witness to one God, Creator and Sustainer of the universe, through Christ, the Redeemer of sinful man. It presents an ongoing story: that of human salvation. This story is progressive development of the central truth of the Bible that God, in his eternal counsels, must become man in Jesus Christ to redeem fallen man. 

 The development of this central truth of salvation is demonstrated through history, prophecy, type, and symbol. This revelation of human redemption through Christ orients man within the larger framework of God's plans for him in ages and divine purpose for him in eternity.

Adonai Yeshua
