The Mighty Samson in the history of Israel

The Bible is a wonderful word of God .The scriptures contain 66 books -the old and the new testaments .In every page of the scripture we see the hand of God -we see Jesus portrayed in different ways -persons, articles, symbols etc but the fact is He is greater than all of them.


Out of the great illustrations in the old testament is Samson who is a glorious type of CHRIST and the CHURCH.Again the Israelites did what was evil in the sight of the Eternal and the Eternal handed them over to the Philistines for forty years.

There was a man of Zorah, belonging to the Danite clan whose name was Manoah . His wife was barren , she had no children "

(Judges 13:1-2).(The MOFFAT Bible )

Remember !All the names in the Old testament are important . But in the New testament there is only one name which is important and that is the name of JESUS which means 'savior' . His name has been exalted higher than any other name so other names in the New testament are not important .

'There was a man of Zorah' - It is true there were many men in Zorah , but the scripture chooses one particular man belonging to Zorah . 'Zorah' means 'hornet' -an insect of the wasp family or we can say the residence of that family and Manoah belonged to that town in the allotment of the tribe of Dan (Josh 19:41). It is previously mentioned as 'Zoreah' (Josh 15:33).

Manoah means 'rest'. There was no rest for Manoah and his wife as there was a burning issue and that was Manoah's wife was barren . How can they have rest and be happy when there was no child in the family ? This is also true of you my friend that unless the child is born in your life you will have no real rest and that true child is JESUS . "For unto us a child is born ,unto us a son is given "(Isa 9:6) . Only he could say "come unto Me all ye that labour and heavy laden , I will give you rest"(Matt 11:28)

Note that Manoah's wife name is not given in the scripture. Everything is important in the scriptures . 'And the Angel of the Lord appeared unto the women and said unto her ,Behold now ,thou art barren and bearest not ; but thou shalt conceive and bear a son"

(Judg 13:3)(KING JAMES). The Angel of the Lord first appeared unto the wife of Manoah and promised her the birth of a son . Is it not true the Angel Gabriel first appeared unto virgin Mary and gave her the message that she would conceive and bring forth a son, and shalt call His name JESUS? (Luke 1:26-31). It was not Manoah but his wife first received the news from the Angel of the Lord . Similarly it was Joseph ,the carpenter ,to whom was virgin Mary was espoused but to virgin Mary the Angel Gabriel first announced the miracle a son would be born to her . The women(Eve) was the first to commit sin in the garden of Eden and the women was the first one to receive the news of the savior of Israel. Samson was a savior and JESUS is the savior of the world. How accurate are the scriptures ?

The child of Manoah and his wife was the gift of God . What they could not do through the weakness of the flesh ,God in grace accomplished . Similarly , in the life of virgin Mary , the Holy spirit over shadowed her and Jesus was born . What could not be accomplished by the flesh ,since 'All have sinned ',was accomplished by the spirit . That is why the scriptures say 'Grace and truth came through JESUS CHRIST' .

Manoah's wife was told 'drink not wine nor strong drink, and to eat not any unclean thing' (Judges 13:4). Because the son to be born to them should be free from hereditary defect . Similarly in the case of Jesus , virgin Mary was anointed with the Holy spirit overshadowing her so that which is born of her can be called 'HOLY'. The son of Manoah was separated from the birth but my Lord was separated even before the foundation of the world . Praise the Lord!" Whatsoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for His seed remaineth in him; and he cannot sin, because he is born of God"(I John 3:9)

My mind went back to the tribe of Dan . Why God chose the tribe of Dan to tribe of Samson ?Why should he be born in that tribe and not in any other? Dan was the fifth son of Jacob. Number five means the grace of God -five bleeding wounds he bore 'Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ '. Secondly Dan means 'Judge' . Samson, of course, was the Judge of Israel for twenty years and that he delivered them from the oppression of the Philistines . Indeed our Lord Jesus is 'savior' and also 'Judge' . Everyone of us will according to the treatment that we gave to His sinless blood that was shed for us . Indeed when the parents brought in the child Jesus into the temple , Simeon took him up in his arms and said ,"Behold this child is set for the fall and rising of many in Israel …. that thoughts of many hearts may be revealed "(Luke 2 :34,35)

The records of Dan are usually meagre . Only one son is attributed to him ,Gen 46:23 . The portion received by Dan in the allotment of the land of Palestine Josh 19:40-48 was , the smallest of the twelve . Isn't it true of our savior?

The birth place of our savior 'Bethlehem -Eprahtha was little among the thousands of Judah, yet out thee shall he come forth unto me the ruler of Israel ' Micah 5:2 The native place of Samson was very insignificant like the Manager in Bethlehem - but the Glory of God shone round that place.

Samson's birth was connected with sacrifice and wonder -working . "And Manoah said unto the Angel of the Lord, I pray thee, let us detain Thee ,until we shall have made ready a kid for Thee.

So Manoah took a kid with a meat offering and offered it upon a rock unto the Lord : and the wondrously …….when the flame went up toward heaven from off the altar , that the angel of the Lord ascended in the flame of the altar (Judges 13:15,19,20). Observe these three things 1.The offering 2. The wonder working 3. The ascension by way of the altar flame.

How suggestive all this is of the death and resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ our Lord ,by virtue of which we are saved . His ascension into Heaven , with marks of the cross just as it were "in the flame of the altar " Manoah and his wife looked on , and fell on their faces to the ground (Judges 13 :20)

Samson was separated unto God from birth . "The child shall be a Nazarite unto God "(Judges 13:5). His separation was not by vow ,but by birth . Isn't it our savior was separated as Nazarite by the will of God. "If thou take forth the precious from the vile , thou shalt be as my mouth"(Jer 15 :19)

Samson was blessed by the Lord ."And the child grew and the Lord blessed him"(Judges 13:24). It is said about Jesus ,"And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favour with God and man "(Luke 2:52) . His name was called 'Samson'. The name SAMSON is derived from the Hebrew word for "sun" and means "sunny" or "sun --hero". Indeed our Lord Jesus is called as "sun of righteousness" and indeed Samson is only a reflection of the one who is greater than Samson .

A sunny life is a powerful life. Samson's feats of strength were :

A: The slaying of lion with his hands
B: The slaying of thirty Philistines
C: The breaking of cords
D: The slaying of a thousand Philistines with the Jaw bone of an ass
E: The carrying away of the gates of Gaza
F: Breaking of the withes and ropes and looms from Delilah
G: The pulling down of the pillars of the Philistine temple.

Indeed our Lord Jesus did much more powerful deeds in the spiritual world against Satan and his kingdom. He crushed his head on the cross of Calvary and broke down every cord that he is trying to build around God's people . "All power is given unto Me ",He said. "o death where is thy sting? o, grave where is thy victory ?" …..'But thanks be to God which giveth us the victory to our lord Jesus Christ'

(I cor 15:55.57)

The separated life is to be a sunny life such was the life of our blessed Lord and savior separated ,shiny.

Samson was moved by the Spirit . 'The Spirit of the Lord began to move him at times '(Judges 13:25). Samson was not a giant or an extraordinary human being. He was like any one of us. But he did mighty things when the Spirit of the Lord came upon him . Jesus was born of the spirit ,led by the Spirit ,lived by the Spirit was raised by the Spirit. He was the Mighty one of God . When He went to the temple ,He read the words from Isa 61:1,2, " The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me……." 


Samson was the gift of God . The Lord appeared unto the wife of Manoah, and promised her a son (Judges 13:3) she simply believed the message and expected that since he had promised , he was also able to perform. On the ground of his word what is humanly impossible is possible with him (Mark 10:27). Similarly our Lord Jesus Christ is the gift of God and was born to virgin Mary. The angel said "he shall be great and shall be called the son of the highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David. And he shall reign over the house of David for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end".(Luke 1:32,33).

Unlike Samson, Jesus was born to virgin Mary who knew no man (Luke1:34). Samson was the gift of God but born to earthly parents . Jesus is the Gift of God but was born by the power of the Holy Ghost. (Luke 1:35) Samson received the power to do great exploits for God now and then. Jesus was conceived by the Holy Ghost and was born through virgin who was overshadowed by the Holy Ghost.

Samson was separated unto God .'The child shall be a Nazarite unto God' (Judges 13:5). His separation was not by vow , but by birth (Numbers 6:5). Jesus was a Nazarite and separated unto God from birth . The life of Samson alternates with light and shade. Samson was a Nazarite who seemed to be partially unconscious of the sacredness of his life . Jesus never alternated. He is the word that became flesh 'heaven and earth may pass away but my word will never pass away', 'he is not a man to change'. He was truly a Nazarite and could hand over his life into the hands of the father. 'The Prince of this world could find nothing in me' he could say.

Samson was the head of the Israelites and also Judged them for twenty years. Jesus is the head of the church (the church being his body ) and will be their eternal for ever and ever. Here is the mystery! Samson's secret power. "He rent a young lion like a kid" (Judges 14:6) "with the jawbone of an ass he slew a thousand men (Judges 15:15) , he carried away the gates of the city of Gaza" (Judges 16:3). Samson had no followers; he asked for none. He alone was commissioned and empowered; he alone must do it. The weapons used by Samson were worthy of the mighty spirit of the Lord . 'Foolish and base things' (1 Cor 1:27-29). In the case of our Lord , he had twelve disciples, most of them fishermen and he had a commission given by the father to be the propitiation - to die for the sins of the whole world . Since 'all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God' Jesus alone must be the Saviour and he was willing to lay down his life and did it on the cross of Calvary.

Samson was an ordinary human being he was not a giant . Yet he could do supernatural things alone. One say Delilah said to Samson 'Tell me , I pray thee, wherein thy great strength lieth' (Judges 16:16) . Samson was not a giant , his great strength therefore , did not lie in the arm of flesh. No human muscle can be developed onto spiritual power. Jesus , though he was equal with God , took upon the form of man, and was obedient unto the death on the cross. He was not born as a giant , he was born like us. Yet he exhibited supernatural strength. He could drive sway the Demons , he could speak a work and calm the raging sea. He could multiply five loaves and two fishes to feed five thousand. He could walk over the sea. He could heal the blind , the lame , the deaf at will. He could raise the dead Hallelujah! Truly he is the Son of God . Yet some would ask the question like John the Baptist "Are you the one or we have to wait for someone to come" and Jesus answered and attributed the signs and wonders as a mark of his Messiaship.

Samson secret of his great strength lay in the presence of the Almighty Spirit of God with him 'Ye shall receive the power of the Holy ghost coming upon you , and ye shall be witnesses unto me' (Acts 1:8) . This is the secret strength of the church , the body of the Loud Jesus Christ . Samson's body received supernatural strength when the Spirit of the Lord descended on him. This is the explicit command of Jesus to his disciples. 'Tarry ye till ye receive power from on high'. The church is empowered by the Holy Ghost.

Delilah vexed Samson daily to tell the secret of his strength (Judges 16:16) "wherein thy secret strength lieth?". Finally , Samson revealed the secret that he was a Nazarite from birth . "She made hem sleep upon her knees; and he awoke, and said , I will go out , as at other times, and shake myself. But he wist not that the Lord was departed from him" (Judges 16:19,20) while he slept his locks were cut off, and his strength went from him. He shakes himself at other times. The mighty enemy-shaking power was gone . His strength lay not in his locks , but that head! 


Remember my friend! a church which is not dedicated to the head will not have the strength of God . If our relationship with our head (Christ) is razed , then we are an ordinary people. It is Christ who makes extraordinary. "In My name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover" (Mark 16:16-18). Samson's body received its strength via the head . The Church received its strength through Christ , the head.

Remember! There was only ONE Samson in the whole history of Israel. There was no one like him before or after. Infact, in the whole Bible, there was no one like him before Judges or after Judges. He stands alone and remembered for his mighty strength though he was an ordinary human being. There is only ONE church in the whole universe. There is nothing like that before of after the Resurrection of the Lord. The church is an admiration in heaven , the body of the Lord, the bride of the Lord, etc. The church will be remembered for the mighty strength- conquering death and hell - You are a member in the MIGHTY SAMSON'S BODY . Praise the Lord!

Franklin V
